COVID19 Safety precautions
The additional safety precautions that I will be adhering to are as follows:
- Allowing 15 minutes between clients in clinic to clean and disinfect all surfaces.
- I ask that you turn up as close to the appointment time as possible to reduce waiting room congestion.
- All clinics that I work at have carried out risk assessments of their own, I will also carry out my own contagion risk assessment.
- I will adhere to the same level of safety and cleanliness for home visits
Cleaning & PPE
- All contact surfaces in the treatment rooms will be cleaned and disinfected between clients.
- All pillows, linen or towelling materials used on the couch including the face cushion and face hole will be covered in disposable or washable plastic.
Face masks
The information around whether face masks offer any protection from the COVID 19 virus is contradictory and confusing. As my clients tend to be lying down during treatments a face shield which is open at the bottom will offer no protection either.
This having been said, your feeling of safety comes first and I am happy to comply with your preference and for both of us or just one of us to wear a face mask if requested.
During these challenging times I need a weeks notice to book a room and organise travel. I am therefore asking for a £15 non refundable deposit at the time of booking. The remainder to be transferred not less than 24 hours before your scheduled appointment. I won’t be able confirm your appointment until the deposit is received. My bank details are as follows:
Acc: 00242271
Sort: 11-05-57
General Terms & Conditions
First appointment
- Medical and lifestyle history to be completed and returned prior to first appointment.
- First appointment length 90 minutes to include:
- Comprehensive discussion of your medical history
- Full Arvigo Maya Massage treatment to the abdomen and lower back
- Teaching of self care massage
- Lifestyle and dietary suggestions when appropriate
- Follow up email with details of suggestions discussed in appointment
Follow up appointments
- Second appointment is 60 minutes to include:
- Review of any changes or questions that have arisen
- Full Arvigo Maya Massage treatment to the abdomen and lower back
- Review of self care massage
- Introduction to other self care modalities as appropriate such as Castor Oil packs
- Follow up email with further suggestions as needed
- Please complete your payment by bank transfer not less than 24 hours before your appointment time.
Cancellation Policy
Please notify me via telephone, text or email as soon as you know that you will be unable to turn up. Missed appointments will be charged at full fee if less than 24 hours notice is given.
What to Wear
I want you to feel comfortable but equally it is important that I can see you so the following options are suggested:
- underwear
- loose fitting cotton trousers
How you can help to get the most from your sessions
Decisions regarding your care require client participation in an ongoing process in order to develop a safe plan of care. This process considers cultural diversity, individual autonomy, and legal responsibilities.
My Commitment
I am trained to be fully supportive of my client’s journey, during, between and for a reasonable time after treatment. I am therefore, always available to discuss any concerns, which come up for you as a result of the work and can also refer you on to another specialist if your issue is beyond my scope.
Safety, Confidentiality and Code of Ethics
As a practitioner of Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® I abide by a strict and comprehensive code of ethics. I am happy to send a copy of these on request.
I am fully insured by the Federation of Holistic Therapists.
Contraindications, Cautions, and Modifications
The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® are safe and effective with few contraindications of untoward outcomes. There are certain conditions where application of these techniques are either contraindicated or require modification. Please consult with me your practitioner if you have any questions.
- During active menstruation
- IUD (intra-uterine device for contraception) is present
- Immediately after abdominal surgery
- Active infection or cancer present in pelvic area, or while undergoing chemotherapy
- During the first trimester (19 weeks) of pregnancy (modification)
- Hiatal Hernia (gentle massage required)
- Active and acute infection
- Abdominal Aneurysm
- Diastasis Rectus
- Pessary for uterine prolapse (remove prior to your session)
- Any serious health condition that causes you concern
Consent to touch
During the treatment it is necessary for me as your practitioner to touch your body. By agreeing to these terms & conditions it is understood that you give permission and consent for me your practitioner to do all that is necessary to achieve your aims, including but not limited to touching your body. This does not affect your rights to refuse or decline any part of the treatment which you find uncomfortable or unacceptable.
To agree these Terms & Conditions please go to the first page of the Intake Form