Intake Forms Thank you for booking an appointment. Please choose one of the buttons below to go to the correct intake form. Please complete your form and return it to me at least 24 hours before we meet. I look forward to working with you. Digestive Health Female Reproductive Health Male Reproductive Health Name: Address: Telephone: Email: Date of Birth: Occupation: GP Name: GP Address: GP Telephone: How did you hear about me: Select Friend Family Website Other Client Confidentiality & Consent to TreatmentPlease Click To Read My Terms And Conditions. Then Click Agree. I Agree To The Terms: Tick Here: About YouPlease briefly describe your reason for seeking treatment: Is there anything you would like to achieve/change in the next 12 months? Please list any diagnoses you have received from your doctor/specialist concerning your current or past physical or mental health List any current medication including prescription/over-the-counter drugs (e.g. antibiotics, antihistamines, steroids, inhalers). Also include vitamins, nutritional supplements etc. Do you have any allergies or food intolerances? Please list any surgery, accidents or traumas - in particular any falls or injuries to the sacrum/tailbone/head On a scale of 1 to 10 how do you feel? (where 1 is poor and 10 is excellent) Emotionally: Select 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Physically: Select 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Energetically: Select 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Where (if anywhere) do you notice that you hold tension in your body? Do you exercise? if so how often and what type of exercise? Do you drink alcohol? If so, approximately how many units per week? Do you smoke? if so how many per day? Digestive Health: Please briefly describe your typical diet and any ‘weaknesses' or cravings How much water do you drink? How much caffeine do you drink? Do you suffer with any of the following? Gas/Burps: Select Yes No Sometimes Bloating: Select Yes No Sometimes Diarrhoea: Select Yes No Sometimes Blood in stools: Select Yes No Sometimes Mucous in stools: Select Yes No Sometimes Constipation: Select Yes No Sometimes Female Reproductive HealthWhat age did you start your periods? And what was it like for you? How many days do you bleed for? And how long is your overall cycle (i.e 28 days)? Date your last period started? Are you pregnant or trying to conceive? Select Yes I am Pregnant No I am Not Pregnant I am Trying To Conceive What contraception do you use? Are you or have you ever been on the birth control pill? Date of last smear & results: Are you having Fertility treatment? If so, please describe and give details of your specialist: Pregnancy HistoryPlease describe number (and dates) of pregnancies and births and any relevant conditions or complications. How was this experience for you? Briefly describe the story of your own birth if known Does your mother maternal aunt/s maternal grandmother have a history of any of the following? Menstrual problems: Select Yes No Fibroids: Select Yes No Cancer (if yes what type)? Select Yes No Cancer Type: Endometriosis: Select Yes No Cysts/PCOS: Select Yes No Other: More On Female Reproductive Health Do you know the age of your mother/grandmother at menopause? Rate your interest in sex: Select High Moderate Low None Do you have difficulty experiencing orgasms? Select Yes No Sometimes Do you have a history of sexual trauma? If so did you receive counselling for this? Have you ever suffered with any of the following? PMT: Select Currently In the past Heaviness in pelvis before/during period: Select Currently In the past Painful periods: Select Currently In the past Dark thick or brown blood? Beginning/end of period: Select Currently In the past Clots in period: Select Currently In the past Excessive bleeding: Select Currently In the past Frequent need to urinate: Select Currently In the past More during period: Select Currently In the past Headaches or migraines with cycle: Select Currently In the past Dizziness/Nausea: Select Currently In the past Irregular cycles: Select Currently In the past Early/Late: Select Currently In the past Painful ovulation: Select Currently In the past Failure to ovulate: Select Currently In the past Endometriosis.: Select Currently In the past Location: Uterine or cervical polyps: Select Currently In the past Fibroids.: Select Currently In the past Location/type: Uterine infection: Select Currently In the past Vaginal infections: Select Currently In the past Bladder infection: Select Currently In the past Painful intercourse: Select Currently In the past Position: Lower back pain: Select Currently In the past Spinal problems: Select Currently In the past Painful joints: Select Currently In the past Sciatica: Select Currently In the past Pins and needles in arms, legs, hands, feet: Select Currently In the past Swollen ankles: Select Currently In the past Cold hands or feet: Select Currently In the past Loss of smell or taste: Select Currently In the past Sinus conditions / Frequent colds: Select Currently In the past Varicose veins/ Haemorrhoids: Select Currently In the past Blood Pressure: Select Currently In the past High or Low: Anxiety: Select Currently In the past Depression: Select Currently In the past Insomnia/Sleep disturbance: Select Currently In the past Hot flashes: Select Currently In the past Mood swings: Select Currently In the past Fatigue: Select Currently In the past Increased libido: Select Currently In the past Decreased libido: Select Currently In the past Cancer: Select Currently In the past Type: Male Reproductive Health Please check the symptoms below that apply Urinary incontinence or dribbling: Select Currently In the past Weak or interrupted urine flow: Select Currently In the past Pain or burning with urination: Select Currently In the past Nocturnal urination: Select Currently In the past How many times: Pain in lower back, esp after intercourse: Select Currently In the past Pain or discomfort in: Penis: Select Currently In the past Testicles: Select Currently In the past Rectum: Select Currently In the past Frequent bladder or kidney infections: Select Currently In the past When: Blood or pus in urine: Select Currently In the past Pelvic pressure: Select Currently In the past Insatiable sex drive: Select Currently In the past Pain or discomfort between scrotum and testicles : Select Currently In the past Pain or discomfort in inner thighs: Left: Select Currently In the past Right: Select Currently In the past Both: Select Currently In the past Penile function Difficulty in obtaining an erection: Select Currently In the past Difficulty maintaining an erection: Select Currently In the past Painful ejaculation: Select Currently In the past Have you recently had a PSA (prostate specific antigen) test? Date and results? Have you recently had a sperm count? Date and results Is there any family history of prostate disease? Is there any family history of cancer? Have you ever had a sexually transmitted disease? Rate your interest in sex Select High Moderate Low None Do you have a history of sexual trauma? If so did you receive counselling for this? Family Health History Please give brief details of your family’s health history. Describing any major health issues or cause and age of death. Mother’s Side Grandfather: Grandmother: Mother: Aunts/Uncles/Cousins: Father’s Side: Grandfather.: Grandmother.: Mother.: Father.: Aunts/Uncles/Cousins.: Siblings.: Any other family history that you know of CAPTCHA Code: Leave this field empty